
#1 trading app in Belgium 📈

In addition to my work on the banking app, I also participated in the redesign of the country’s most popular trading app, which had a significantly outdated interface. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive overhaul, our team: a UI designer, a UX designer and me — dedicated 3-4 months to the project.

Our starting point was a deep exploration of the complexities associated with trade mechanisms and applications, investigating a broad spectrum of diverse trade platforms and apps. Undertaking this extensive study was crucial to comprehend the optimal practices and cutting-edge features that might augment user interaction. We aimed to create an interface that is not only visually pleasing and convenient to use but also caters to the requirements of both beginners and seasoned traders.

The redesign process was highly collaborative, involving bi-weekly meetings with development teams, business stakeholders, and analysts. These sessions were vital for aligning our design vision with technical and business requirements, allowing us to make iterative improvements based on continuous feedback.

Key features of the redesign included real-time market data, intuitive navigation, efficient trade execution processes, and robust portfolio management tools. We also emphasized enhancing security features to safeguard user data and transactions. By integrating user feedback and adhering to UI/UX best practices, we aimed to create a seamless and engaging trading experience.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of collaboration, the intricacies of financial app design, and the value of maintaining efficient design operations in a large organization.

Midas Vreeburg

Senior digital Designer, currently

on a large B2B eCommerce
platform for polymers.

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Midas Vreeburg

Senior digital Designer, currently

on a large B2B eCommerce
platform for polymers.

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Senior digital Designer, currently

on a large B2B eCommerce
platform for polymers.

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